How can I tell if I have an ankle sprain or an ankle fracture?

While we definitely reccomend waiting to hear from your doctor before reaching a diagnosis, these questions may help you figure out what type of injury you are experiencing.

  • What noise did you hear?
    • Ankle sprains may be silent. In severe cases, there may be a popping sound. If you heard a cracking sound, chances are it was a break.
  • Is the area around your ankle misshapen?
    • Swelling occurs in most ankle injuries, but if your ankle looks clearly deformed or odd,it is most likely because your ankle is broken.
  • Is your ankle numb?
    • An ankle sprain is very painful, but if you are experiencing numbness, your ankle is likely broken.
  • Where is the pain located?
    • If your ankle pain is located directly over your ankle bone, you likely have a fracture. If the feel pain inside the swelled area of your ankle, it is more than likely a sprain.

Again, it is important that you see your doctor regardless of whether it is an ankle sprain or fracture. He can take a look at your ankle and determine the best course of action.